As the exclusive distributor for Esaote, Toshiba and Neurologica selling veterinary MRI and CT systems, Universal Medical Systems, Inc. is the market leader providing affordable, convenient and cutting-edge veterinary imaging solutions.

With a full line of advanced MRI and CT choices from small animal and portable units to our large animal scanners, there is sure to be the right fit for your practice.

See our other offerings here:

  • Vet-MR: The world's first dedicated veterinary specific In-Office MRI system
  • Vet-MR Grande: The world's first large and small animal dedicated veterinary specific MRI system
  • Vet-MR Grande Equine: Equine specific MRI system
  • Ellegro: Economical Equine specific leg MRI system
  • Veterinary CT: High speed multislice CT options for large and small animals
  • 8 Slice Vet Scan Portable CT: Our compact lightweight affordable and portable CT option

WhyWhy choose UMS for your MRI?

MRI is making its mark in veterinary medicine.  Clinically, it has been shown to reduce the invasiveness of surgery as well as the time of the surgical procedure.  It can often give your clients the answers they need to make decisions concerning their family members.  Offering MRI as a diagnostic tool will set your clinic apart from the rest.  UMS has set itself apart from the rest by offering the only dedicated veterinary MRI scanner on the market. 

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DetailsWhat are the details of the rental program?

Universal Medical Systems has been a market leader in veterinary imaging technology. UMS would like to expand its network to include clinics looking to move into the 21st century by offering their clients the best diagnostic care available. We have the proven expertise with hundreds of installations to manage the technical details. A newly designed rental agreement helps to introduce the technology to your staff.

UMS will rent you one of our dedicated Vet MR systems including the installation of the scanner, train your staff on-site, maintain, repair and upgrade the system. Your responsibilities include: a $25,000 non-refundable down payment; site preparation including electrical, HVAC or other construction considerations; equipment needed for monitoring and general care of the patients; and a $495 fee paid to UMS for every MRI scan done on a patient.

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Image QualityWhat about the image quality on the MRI?

Many scientists, engineers and veterinarians have spent untold hours developing the scanner, hardware, software, coils and sequences for this dedicated veterinary MR unit. Years of development have been invested to provide the best possible images. With our expert world-wide team we strive to provide outstanding service for installation, training and maintenance, so every clinician will have the best images possible at hand to use in the diagnosis and treatment of their patients.

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Can I really ?Can I really get out of this rental at any time?

Yes!  UMS wants to partner with veterinarians to promote the use of MRI in veterinary medicine.  If the outcome is not beneficial to all parties there are provisions in the formal contract specific to dissolution of the rental agreement.  Please refer to the formal contract for specific details.

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